Dog Makes the Best Valentine’s Date Using Designer Pet Products
Valentine’s Day is almost here, and while some of us are distressed for we have no dates, there are some who have the best dates! Wondering what kind of a person would make the best date for this Valentine’s Day? Well, here is a simple answer- Your Pet Dog!
Why do Dogs make the Best Valentine’s Date?
Given below are some of the top reasons which explain why dogs make the best dates:
A dog will never be late for a date. Be it dining out at a fancy restaurant or cooking a massively difficult French dinner, your date is going to right next to you, enjoying every moment of it. Your dog will not MISUNDERSTAND a single word or feeling. Dogs have the tendency to read the mood, so unlike humans, they understand for just the way they are and do not make it hard to have a conversation with them.
Another plus point: They do not talk unnecessarily and do not annoy you with weird questions!
No need to dress up and spend time with your appearance. It does not matter to your dog if you look like you just slipped out of bed,or you look as good as Brad Pitt, they will love you all the same. They are definitely not going to nag about being “un-presentable!” (What a relief right?)
No sharing of Deserts! Wow, that’s the biggest reason to hang out with your dog this Valentine’s day. Dress yourself up and dress your dog by choosing verity collection of designer pet products. Even if your dog looks at you expectantly for some dessert, remember that sweets are not good for your dog’s health.
What can you do?
Well, now that we are done with stating why dogs should be your Valentine every year from this year onwards, here is what you can do with your dog to enjoy your day:
Spend the entire day indoors. Binge watch movies and bawl your eyes out or binge watch on the TV series you have been waiting to watch with your dog next to you. Did you know, nobody snuggles better than a lovable dog?
Spend the day outdoors! Dogs love being outdoors, play with your dog, exchanges some throws or take the dog on a hike along with you. Spend the day running around and enjoying every bit of it. After all, who does not love being outdoors?
Travel! Go to a beach or take your dog across borders to meet a friend. Whatever, just hop on a flight or rent a car, and go wherever you have been longing to visit!
With numerous plans and ideas, you could find this occasion to get your dog a beautiful present of designer dog collars. Show-off your new beautiful designer dog collars and makes the most out of your date!
Take your dog to a nearby eating parlor or take your dog to the beach or simply spend your day indoors do what you do best- chilling, this Valentine’s Day!
- Posh Puppy Boutique