Include your pet on your New Year Resolutions!


New Year's Resolutions are not just for humans, we can make a change with our pet's too!

When we are making our New Year's resolutions of losing weight, or giving up soft drinks, or attending church more, we all make them and whether or not we stick to our resolutions or not, it is tradition to make New Year's Resolutions.

How about including your pet in your resolution this year? Not like buying him more toys or petting him more, but something of real consistency and value. How about commit to a healthier life for your dog? Walking your dog can sure help your dog get the exercise that he needs to walk off the pounds and I am pretty sure it won’t hurt you either.

What about your pet’s diet? Are you giving your dog fatty foods from your table which can lead to more health problems? Maybe you should check into better and more nutritious food for your dog this New Year. See your vet if you have any special concerns about your dog’s diet and he can recommend a good brand to fit your pet’s needs and often times, they sell it at the vet clinic. This might include your treats too because those can be unhealthy too.

Maybe you would like to take better care of your dog in general, that would start with your pet's health from the inside out. When you have a healthy pet you will notice a they will be a lot more active and in turn will save you very expensive pet vet bills in the end and make you a better pet owner.
When you have a healthy dog, you will notice that they are happier and a lot more active. So, if you have not yet started to look at your dog's diet and exercise routine, now would be the perfect time at the start of a brand New Year.

Why not invest in a pet treadmill or items to make your pet more active?
You could get him some Joint tablets to help with his achy joints or just to keep him moving~ or just start by reading about the bond between you and your dog with the "Bond for Life" book.

We know that if we could hear our dog speak, he would be making resolutions too, like not sleeping so much or possibly no vomiting in the formal living room, or shaking off the muddy water as he runs in the house, no chewing of the stuffed animals, or drinking the commode water. BUT.. I am sure our dogs would really appreciate our help by setting the standards for a healthier lifestyle and the rest I am sure will fall into place.

Happy New Year to you and yours from Posh Puppy Boutique!

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