

Countdown to Christmas!

With only 24 or so days left until Christmas day, we all are starting to scramble around and find items and gifts for our loved ones and we must not leave out our furry little “elves”. Your pet deserves a little gift too as this is the one that stands beside you through thick or thin and never asks questions and loves you no matter what.

Posh Puppy Boutique has thousands of pet gift itemsfor your...
  • Posh Puppy Boutique
  • Tags: Toys

Give back this Holiday Season!

When I think of Cancer, I think of my family members that have expired and left this earth and took their life early. I guess I didn't really realize how many pets get cancer too.

There are some common types of canine cancer:
  • Mouth Cancer

  • Prostate Cancer

  • Bone Cancer

  • Mast Cell Tumor Cancer

  • Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) has named November as Pet Cancer Awareness Month! This year is the fifth year that VPI...

    Keep the turkey away from your little turkey!

    Oh... the smell of the turkey, pumpkin pie and that stuffing, all waiting for your consumption on Thanksgiving day... absolutely mouth watering... for us and for your furry little follower!

    This Thanksgiving, keep it drama free and make sure you take precautions to keep all safe, including your little "turkey". The day sometimes gets so busy and we are exhausted when it is all over we can make...

    Dog Fashion Designers – Putting Their Exclusive Creations for Dogs

    Dog Fashion designers have always given their best to their customers. They keep presenting their exclusive dog costume collectionon all occasions. Creation of attractive, vibrant and exclusive dog costumes and dog fashion accessories needs lots of creativity and honest efforts. Dog fashion designers associated with popular dog fashion brands like Juicy Couture, Ed Hardy, and Christian...